Losant Cloud Platform and Interface
Losant Cloud Platform and Interface
Losant IoT Platform
- What is it?
- Overview of component parts
- Integrate MCU with virtual device
- Build a workflow for storing data
- Build a dashboard
- Deploy a web app
- Control device from platform
Key Terms
- Includes all your IoT devices and workflow related to a project
- Ex: All the connected devices in your home such as temperature sensors, garage door openers, pet feeder
- Device or sensor that communicates with Losant
- Ex: One Photon 2 that monitors the temperature and humidity in your living room
Device attribute
- A piece of data associated with a device
- Ex: The temperature in your living room
- Connection between Losant and external data source that allows data to securely from a web service to Losant
- Ex. Connect Particle Cloud to Losant. Data will flow from Photon 2 –> Particle Cloud –> Losant
Integration Events
- Events that trigger Losant
- Ex. Particle.publish() events
- The “brains” of your app
- Allow you to specify where data (device attributes) go and are used
- Ex: Store temperature data
Workflow Elements
- Trigger: event that causes an action
- Logic: code elements (e.g. conditions, functions)
- Data
- Outputs
- Allow you to view stats, graphs, events and devices across multiple applications
- Ex. Visualize the temperature and light level in your home
[Download project: Go to https://bit.ly/ProjectZip
Paste the following link into the top right https://github.com/reparke/ITP348-Physical-Computing/tree/main/_exercises/week11/losant_temperature_start)
Create account at Losant (we will go through the steps together)
Create application
Create device for each Photon 2
- Go to Losant and create standalone device
- Attributes
- define temperature_fahr as number
- define lightLevel as string
Create integration
- Go to particle web console > settings > personal access token
- Go to Losant and create new integration
- Integration type: particle
- Paste access token
- Leave configuration blank
- Event name: temperature and light (must be same name as Particle.publish())
Create publish event in firmware code
Create workflow
Add trigger: Particle
- set integration to Particle integration you made
Create function to split data
Add output: device state
- individual fields: and
Create dashboard
Add gauge for temperature
Add conditions to temperature
Add historical chart of temperature
Add light level indicator
Create experience (web app)
- Go to overview –> Accept defaults (save URL, password, and login)
- Create page
- Edit > add page
- Page type: dashboard
- Create endpoint
- Edit > add endpoint
- Method: get
- Route: /environment (this is the URL for the dashboard)
- Access control: any authenticated users
- Unauthorized reply: no static reply
- Reply type: Experience page
- Status code: 200
- Select: Dashboard
- Now log into website and visit https://«YOUR_URL»/environment
Control device from dashboard
Create particle function in firmware
Create Workflow
- Virtual button
- Particle function
- function name ledChange
- Function argument: String template -> argument template = “blink”
Create input control in Dashboard
Add input control
Virtual button
on Click: trigger workflow -> select correct workflow and virtual button
- Workflow: Connect create event to end of virtual button chain
- Subject: LED off
- Level: error
- Message: Light is off
- ID template
- Create new chain: Event
- Level: Error
- Subject: LED off
- Connect SMS
- Note that max of 5 messages per minute
- Trigger workflow
- Workflow: Connect create event to end of virtual button chain