OLED Screens and I2c Communication

OLED Screens and I2C Communication

ITP 348 - Making Smart Devices

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Learning Objectives

  • Explain what synchronous, serial communication means
  • Understand key concepts behind I2C protocol
  • Identify OLED configuration parameters by reading through datasheet and software library
  • Implement OLED screen in a device

Improving Output

  • Serial monitor is fine for debugging, but we need better output to build a device

  • Let’s introduce one output device

    Introducing Organic Light-Emitting Diodes



bg leftOLEDs are more complex than regular LEDs and be manufactured to be thin and bendable

  • OLEDs are used in high end TVs, monitors, and phones
  • OLEDs are more expensive than regular LEDs

Our Micro OLED has two components

SparkFun Micro OLED BreakoutSparkFun Micro OLED Breakout

OLED screen

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  • Blue text on black screen
  • 64 pixels (W) x 48 pixels (H)
  • Operates at 3.3v
  • Controlled via I2C protocol (more on this later)
  • 31 pins (!)

Breakout Board

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  • Custom circuit board that provides access to (“breaks out”) the very delicate small pins on the screen
  • This breakout board also enables the communication protocol that allows us to use only 2 pins to connect to the Photon 2


  • Communicating with the screen directly is complicated but we can use a library to simplify
    • This is similar to installing software on your computer to communicate with your printer (software driver)
  • Photon 2 can communicate with the screen using a protocol called I2C

What is Synchronous Communication?

Synchronous communication

Synchronous Communication

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  • Clock pin and data pin(s)
  • Clock is an oscillating square wave
  • Receiver reads data signal on clock rising edge (low to high)
  • Synchronous: data sent on regular intervals controlled by a clock
  • Serial: one bit at time is sent / received


  • Inter-integrated Circuit (I2C) is a protocol to allow a central device to communicate with multiple “peripheral” chips
  • Serial
  • Synchronous
  • Only two pins
    • Data (SDA)
    • Clock (SCK)

I2C Cable

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  • Sparkfun uses a custom cable and connector for its I2C devices called Qwiic
  • Instead of connecting individual wires, you can connect a single cable
  • Black (GND)
  • Red (3.3v)
  • Blue (SDA)
  • Yellow (SCK)


  • Advantages
    • Uses only 2 wires (other protocols require 4 or more)
    • Standardized across many components
  • Disadvantages
    • Uses more power than some other protocols (e.g. SPI)
    • Lower transfer speed than some other protocols (e.g. SPI)

Photon 2 - OLED Screen Pin Mapping

OLED Photon 2 Purpose Notes
GND GND Ground Ground
3V3 3V3 Power 3.3v
SDA (Blue) SDA Data Serial data
SCL (Yellow) SCL Clock Synchronization clock


OLED Library

  • We need a library to handle much of the complex communication with the OLED
  • To install a library, go to the command palette and type Install Library
  • Install the OLED library: SparkFunMicroOLED


  • Connect OLED and install library
  • Run sample code; Modify sample code to display Hello world!
  • Finally, create an Etch A Sketch using the OLED screen with two potentiometers (to draw) and one button (to reset)
  • Library code
  • Library guide
  • Datasheet

Lab - Etch-a-Sketch

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 11.31.19 AM

