Software Tools

Course Software Tools


  • Each of our projects will be created with a combination of software (code) and hardware (connecting physical components)
  • There are two main programs we will use to created our projects


Workbench IDE


  • Workbench is the IDE we use for our projects (just like PyCharm, Visual Studio, etc.)
  • Workbench serves two purposes
    • Writing / debugging / compiling code (just like other IDEs)
    • Flashing code to device (i.e. “installing” the code you wrote onto the device)
  • Fun fact: Workbench is built as a plugin for VS Code, a simple but powerful IDE that can be used for all kinds of other languages (e.g. python, C++, HTML)


  • Fritzing create visual diagrams of hardware projects
  • Use this to plan out your design before actually building them
  • This “prototyping” is the equivalent to writing pseudo-code before writing code

Fritzing Breadboard Layout


Actual Built Project

Argon rangefinder

Quick Note

There is a more formal way of describing circuits we won’t use very often


