Basic Blink

Assignment 1 – Basic Blink

Submit on Blackboard


  • Test software installation

  • Test device configuration


  • Connect to additional Wifi networks (optional)

  • Create a Workbench project

  • Setup project settings

  • Flash firmware to device

Connect to additional Wifi networks

  • The Argon can remember the settings for multiple Wifi networks (just like a phone). If you need to configure for a different network than the one you first connected it, simply follow the instructions in assignment 0 again or go through process at

Create Workbench Project

Setup device settings

  • In Workbench, Go to View > Command Palette

  • Type Particle: Configure Project for Device.

command palette

  • Select the device OS version you want to like to build for. It is recommended to use the latest stable version (this means the highest numbered version without rc or beta in the name). This means you are using the newest version of the operating system that is not being test (and so presumably it does not have bugs or errors). In the picture below, the latest stable version has been noted.


  • Select the type of device to you want to build for. For our course, we will always use argon

target device

  • Enter the name of the device you want to flash to. This will be the name gave your device when you initially connected it to your Particle account.

target name

Creating Your Firmware


  • In the INO file that opened when you created a project, paste the following code:

    void setup() {
        pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);
    void loop() {
        digitalWrite(D7, HIGH);
    	digitalWrite(D7, LOW);

Flash Firmware to Device

  • In the Command Palette, type Particle: Cloud Flash
  • It may take a few minutes to successfully complete. When the firmware has been successfully installed, you should see the light on the device near the USB port blinking blue.

Argon blinking

Naming convention

(replace # with the current assignment number)

  • Project Name: itp348_a#_lastname_firstname

  • Zip File (project folder):


Submit on Blackboard

  1. A compressed file containing your project. Follow the guidelines for full credit.

    Here are the instructions for submission

    • Navigate to your project folder.

    • Include the entire folder in a zip file

    • Rename the zip file based on naming convention

    • Upload zip file to Blackboard site for our course

  2. A photograph of your device connected to USB with the blue light on.


Item Points
Project code 5
Device photo 5
Total 10
