Installation and Setup

Assignment 0 – Installation and Setup

Nothing to submit


  • Connect Photon 2 to Computer
  • Create Particle account
  • Install Particle Workbench
  • Install Fritzing
  • Add Photon 2 device to your Particle account


You need to use the Chrome browser to configure your Photon 2; you can not use Firefox or Safari.


Connect your Particle Photon 2 to your Computer

  • Connect the antenna (discussed in class)
  • Connect the Photon 2 to your breadboard (discussed in class)
  • Connect the micro USB cable to your computer

Create Particle account

In this course, we will use an internet-enabled microcontroller, specifically the Particle Photon 2. In order to communicate with the Photon 2 (e.g. to install new firmware code), we will use Particle’s cloud software.


Setup Your Device

Continue with setup in your web browser

  • Go to Get Started image-20230803163011651

  • Choose Device with USB Port


  • Continue with the four step process to configure your device via USB. This process will take few minutes. As the Photon 2 updates, it will blink different colors.

  • When you get to the following screen that says Organize your Particle Device, choose or Create a New Product image-20230803165122069

  • For product name, type itp_348 and click Create new product image-20230803165406273

  • For device name, you can use the default name, or create something unique, just make sure the name has only letters, numbers, and underscore (no spaces or special symbols) image-20230803165816381

  • Choose your Wifi network. If you are on campus, use USC Guest Wireless. If you are off-campus and need to login to a website before connected to Wifi, you will need to do a couple things before you can get the Photon 2 online. You can follow these instructions or reach out to course staff for assistance. image-20230803165937445

  • When you see this success page, you can close your browser image-20230803170753970

Install Particle Workbench

Workbench is the IDE we will use to write firmware code as well as to install it on the device

Install Fritzing

Fritzing is a program to create visual layouts of device projects.

  • ITP has paid for a Fritzing support license for the class. To download it, please go to the course Blackboard site and click on “Fritzing Download”.

  • Download and install Fritzing, and then continue these instructions

Install Fritzing Library for Additional Parts

There are additional we will used in class that we need Fritzing parts for.

  • Download the library for Fritzing:

  • Unzip the file (take note of the folder location)

  • Open Fritzing

  • On Parts panel on the right side of the screen, click the small dropdown menu and choose Import…

  • Navigate to the folder with the file you downloaded and open ITP_348_Parts.fzpz

  • Click the small dropdown menu on the Parts panel again and chose Save Bin


  • There is nothing to submit for this assignment.
