(Reference) TMP36

TMP36 Analog Temperature Sensor

Temperature Sensor - TMP36


Requires analog input pin (Pins A0-A5)



TMP36 wiring

  • Note that is BOTTOM VIEW


  • Analog temperature sensor
  • Measures environment temperature and returns a voltage
  • Since this is an analog input, we use analog to digital conversion to read input
  • Voltage on pin will varies 0v to 3.v, and Argon will read 0 to 4095


  • 10 mV per deg C with a 0.5 v offset
  • voltage = ADC_val / 4095 * 3.3
  • tempCelsius = (voltage - 0.5) * (1 / 0.01)
  • tempFahrenheit = tempCelsius * (9/5) + 32

Important: C++ int and float

  • Division with ints in C++ truncates decimals
int x = 3;
int y = 6;
float result = x / y; // 0 since 3/6 is truncated` 
  • Instead, make sure to cast (convert) one of the int values to be a float
int x = 3;
int y = 6;
float result = (float) x / y;


const int PIN_TMP = A5;

void setup() {
    pinMode(PIN_TMP, INPUT);

void loop() {
    // read ADC value
    int val = analogRead(pin_temp);  // range 0-4095 ADC
    // calculate voltage from ADC
    float voltage = (float)val / 4095 * 3.3;
    // calculate celsius from voltage
    float tempC = (voltage - 0.5) / 0.01;
    //convert to fahrenheit
    float tempF = tempC * (9.0 / 5) + 32;

