(Reference) Servo Motors

Servo Motors


Wiring Diagram


Wiring Guide

Servo Wire Argon
Power VUSB
Ground GND
Signal Any PWM-capable pin
  • Important: Most servos will require 5V not 3.3V so use VUSB
  • If you want to use a servo with a LiPo battery, see these instructions

Notes on Servo Wire Colors

  • The wiring colors vary with different servos so look carefully at your documentation

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  • Servo rotates 180 degrees based on input
  • Use Servo class to allow you to send rotation values directly to servo
  • It is recommended to rotate from 15 degrees to 165 degrees (instead of 0-180) to protect the servo from damage


const int SERVO_PIN = D2;

Servo servoObj;	// step 1: Create the servo object
void setup(){
    // step 2: attach the servo object to the servo pin 

void loop(){
    // step 3: write PWM values to servo pin
    servoObj.write(15); //write the servo to position 15 degrees
    delay(1000); //wait one second
    servoObj.write(90); //write the servo to position 90 degrees
    servoObj.write(165); //write servo to position 165 degrees


  • In some cases, the servo may start to make noise, stutter, or become hot when not it use
  • This can be due to a variety of factors such as unstable current supply or interrupts in the Argon execution
  • IF this happens, one simple solution is to attach before using the servo, and then detach after

Code: Fixing Jittering

const int SERVO_PIN = D2;
Servo servoObj;
void setup(){ /*no attach code */ }
void loop(){
    servoObj.write(15); //write the servo to position 15 degrees
    delay(1000); //wait one second
    servoObj.write(90); //write the servo to position 90 degrees

Reminder: Argon PWM Pin Groups

  • PWM pins are assigned to one of three groups
  • Each group can have different PWM values (duty cycles), but must share the same frequency and resolution
    • Pins D4, D5, D6, D8
    • Pins A0, A1, A2, A3
    • Pins D2, D3, A4, A5

