(Reference) MicroOLED (I2C)

MicroOLED (I2C)

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Wiring - Qwiic Cable


OLED Argon Purpose Notes
GND GND Ground Ground
3V3 3V3 Power 3.3v
SDA (Blue) SDA Data Serial data
SCL (Yellow) SCL Clock Synchronization clock




  • We need a library to handle much of the complex communication with the OLED
  • To install a library, go to the command palette and type Install Library
  • Install the OLED library: SparkFunMicroOLED


  • There are extensive examples in the library folder under lib/examples


  • Below is a basic example which displays the following on the screen
Hello World
There are 7 days in a week
#include "SparkFunMicroOLED.h"  // Include MicroOLED library

// MicroOLED Object Declaration //

//The library assumes a reset pin is necessary. The Qwiic OLED has RST hard-wired, so pick an arbitrarty IO pin that is not being used

#define PIN_RESET D9

// The DC_JUMPER is the I2C Address Select jumper. 
// Set to 1 if the jumper is open (Default), or set to 0 if it's closed.
// DC = 0 --> I2C Address = 0x3C
// DC = 1 --> I2C Address = 0x3D 

#define DC_JUMPER 1

MicroOLED oled(MODE_I2C, PIN_RESET, DC_JUMPER);  // create object to communicate with OLED

void setup() {
    oled.begin();     // Initialize the OLED
    oled.clear(ALL);  // Clear the display's internal memory
    oled.display();   // Display what's in the buffer (splashscreen) 
    delay(1000);      // Delay 1000 ms
    oled.clear(PAGE); // clear screen

void loop() {
	//set (x,y) location; (0,0) is top left
	//set font size
	//Display message
    oled.println("Hello World");
	//Display string and int
	int days = 7;
	oled.println("There are " + String(days) + " days in a week")

	// actually show the printed lines on the screen
	// clear the screen



