(Reference) Multi Tasking with millis()

Multi-Tasking: Delay

Main Idea

  • delay() is blocking
    • This means the Photon 2 is essentially paused and can’t do anything else
  • We need to be able to synchronize events and multi-task just like our computers and phones
  • millis() is a function that returns the “relative current time” (number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the Photon 2 last turned on / reset)
  • We can call millis() at different points in time to compare the passage of time
  • When a specific time has elapsed, we can take an action


unsigned long prevMillis = 0;		//last time we checked time
unsigned long interval = 1000;	//this could be any length, but here we set 1000 ms (1 sec)  between operations

void setup() {}

void loop() {
  unsigned long curMillis = millis();     //current time
  //check if (now - previous) is greater than our desired interval
  if (curMillis - prevMillis >= interval) {   
    previousMillis = curMillis;      //if YES, update previous
    //Here is where you include any code you want to happen on the time interval
