

Problem with Buttons


Problem with Buttons


  • Buttons and switches are mechanical and they tend to fluctuate briefly when pressed
  • Leads to circuit “bounce” before the value stabilizes
  • Argon typically goes through loop() multiple times before this stops so we can get false buttons presses or incorrect values

Solving Debouncing

  • This works by only considering input if the signal has been stable (the same) for a fixed amount of time
  • Everytime we see the signal is “bounce”, we reset our millis() counter
  • Once we verify the signal has been stable for long enough, we then check for a button press
  • We need to distinguish current button reading (which may be noisy) from current button state (which we have confirmed is a legitimate HIGH / LOW value)

Debouncing Algorithm

  • If current button reading is not the same as last button state
    • Reset debounce counter
  • If signal has been stable long enough (currentTime-lastDebounce > debounceDelay)
    • If current button reading is different from current button state
      • Update button state (legitimate button press)
      • Here you execute desired code for button presses
  • Update previous button state with the reading value

Debouncing Code: Global Variables

int prevReading = HIGH;  // the last reading
int curButtonState;          // the current VERIFIED state
long lastDebounceTime = 0;   // the last time the output pin was toggled
long debounceDelay = 50;     // the debounce time; increase if the output

Deboucing Code: Check if Bouncing Signal

void loop() {
    int curReading = digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON);  // check button read
    unsigned long currentDebounceTime = millis();

    if (curReading != prevReading) {
        lastDebounceTime = millis();

Debouncing Code: Register Valid Button Press

void loop() {
  if ((currentDebounceTime - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {
    // we know we have stable signal
    // see if input has changed
    if (curReading != curButtonState) {
      curButtonState = curReading;
      // legit button press so update current button state

      // FINALLY! here is your button code
      // if want to execute when button pressed down ONLY
  prevReading = curReading;  // update for next loop

Debouncing Code: Full Example

void loop() {
  int curReading = digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON);  // check button read
  unsigned long currentDebounceTime = millis();

  if (curReading != prevReading) {
    lastDebounceTime = millis();

  // debounce delay often 50-200 ms
  // we check for stable signal
  if ((currentDebounceTime - lastDebounceTime) > debounceDelay) {
    // we know we have stable signal
    // see if input has changed
    if (curReading != curButtonState) {
      curButtonState = curReading;
      // legit button press so update current button state

      // FINALLY! here is your button code
      // if want to execute when button pressed down ONLY

  prevReading = curReading;  // update for next loop
