Pulse Width Modulation

Pulse Width Modulation

Analog Output

  • Goal
    • Produce analog outputs (e.g. make an LED half as bright, rather than off or on)
  • Problem
    • Photon 2 does not have analog outputs (and neither do many microcontrollers)
  • Solution
    • We will fake it!

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

  • PWM is a technique we use to simulate analog outputs
  • Basically, we switch a digital ouput on/off very quickly (modulate)
  • Also specify how long the output is on, and how long it is off (pulse width)
  • The result is the “effective” output voltage can be varied (since the signal is switching between high and low)

Key Terms

  • Square wave: a digital output that switches repeatedly from high (3.3v) to low (0v)
  • Pulse width: how long the signal is high (usually in milliseconds)
  • Duty cycle: percentage of one “cycle” that a signal is at 3.3v
  • Period: time for one on/off cycle to complete (usually in milliseconds)
  • Frequency: how many times per second the on/off cycle repeats (Hz) (default Photon 2 PWM frequency is 500 Hz or 2 ms)

Key Terms Illustrated

pulse width modulation illustrated


  • What is the output voltage of an Photon 2 pin?
  • What is the effective output voltage using PWM with 50% duty cycle?
  • What is the effective output voltage using PWM with 25% duty cycle?
  • What is the effective output voltage using PWM with 0% duty cycle?

Why does this work?

pulse width modulation illustrated

Using PWM

  • Only certain pins support PWM
    • D1 (SCL or A4)*
    • A2
    • A5
    • MISO (D16)*
    • MOSI (D15)*
  • PWM pins can have different PWM values (duty cycles), but must share the same frequency and resolution.

*You can use any of these pins labels.


Writing Analog Output with analogWrite


analogWrite(PIN_NUMBER, VALUE);
//VALUE: 0-255
  • You can control the pulse width with VALUE
  • We discussed duty cycle as 0%-100%, but VALUE is 0-255
    • Why?


analogWrite(LED_PIN, 127);	//50% duty cycle, or 1.67v

analogWrite(LED_PIN, 192);	//75% duty cycle, or 2.45v

analogWrite(LED_PIN, 0);	//0% duty cycle, or 0v

Wiring Diagram

Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 3.03.46 AM

