Smart Watch Build (bring to class)

Assignment 10 – Smart Watch Build

Submit on Blackboard


  • Connect and build smart watch wrist strap and sensors


This assignment is to build a smart watch, which we will program in class. Given the semester schedule, you will build it now for us to use in a week.


  • Strip of stretchable fabric / neoprene (3” x 15”)
  • Strip of plastic velcro tape (12”)
  • Breadboard
  • LiPo battery
  • Argon


  • No Fritzing diagram is needed. Wiring diagram and plans are provided in the lecture notes.
  • Follow the assembly instruction guide
  • Plan to bring watch (with fully charged battery) and phone to class

==Important: The assembly guide shows the battery being connected. Since we will be using the battery with the car, it is recommended to skip connecting the battery to the Argon until we are programming the watch in class==

**Naming convention **

(replace # with the current assignment number)

  • No project to submit


Submit on Blackboard

  1. A picture of your completed watch assembly.


Item Points
Watch assembly completed 5
Total 5
