(Reference) PIR

PIR - Passive Infrared Sensor



PIR (Sparkfun) Argon
+ (red wire) 5v
- (white wire) GND
AL (black wire) digital input pin
(with 10K pullup resistor to 5v)

Note: The wire color and pin order is specific to the Sparkfun PIR sensor and not all PIR sensor

Wiring Guide

Operation (Sparkfun PIR)

  • Requires 1-2 sec delay in setup() to get initial reading from room
  • Digital output from AL pin
  • HIGH when no movement detected
  • LOW when movement detected
  • Signal remains active low for about 3 sec after movement (documentation says 15 sec but that doesn’t seem accurate)


This is a basic example where any movement triggers alarm. More sophisticated use can include millis()

const int MOTION_PIN = D2;  // Pin connected to motion detector

void setup() {
    pinMode(MOTION_PIN, INPUT);
    delay(10000);  // wait to read the room

void loop() {
    int proximity = digitalRead(MOTION_PIN);
    if (proximity == LOW)  // If the sensor's output goes low, motion is detected
        Serial.println("Motion detected!");
    } else {
        Serial.println("Motion stopped!");

