Creating JSON with ArduinoJson Library
Creating JSON with ArduinoJson
JSON Example Data
- Consider we want to send the following JSON data to a website
{"key":"temperature", "value":79.000000},
{"key":"humidity", "value":22.000000},
{"key":"weather", "value": "sunny"}
Creating JSON with a Library: ArduinoJson
is a popular library for generating JSON code and can be installed from Workbench -
Use the sample code below
Configuration of ArduinoJson
- Import library and set up Arduino compatibility
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
Photon 2 code
void loop() {
StaticJsonDocument<1024> doc; // object to store JSON response
String output; // will store JSON string which is used for Particle.publish()
/* Here is where JSON creation code goes */
//create first JSON object
JsonObject obj0 = doc.createNestedObject();
obj0["key"] = "temperature";
obj0["value"] = 79.000000;
//create second JSON object
JsonObject obj1 = doc.createNestedObject();
obj1["key"] = "humidity";
obj1["value"] = 22.000000;
//create third JSON object
JsonObject obj2 = doc.createNestedObject();
obj2["key"] = "weather";
obj2["value"] = "sunny";
serializeJson(doc, output); //create JSON string
//make sure to change the event name below to match the webhook you created
Particle.publish("inital_state_json", output);
delay(60000); //use delay or millis to avoid publishing too frequently