Creating IoT Mobile Apps with Blynk

Blynk Overview

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What is Blynk?

  • Blynk is a “low code” platform for interacting with IoT products
  • “No code” drag-and-drop, visual tool to build mobile apps
  • Mobile apps can interact with, receive data from, and control IoT devices
  • You can develop add your own branding and package the app with your IoT device

Blynk Functionality

  • Data storage
  • Display real-time sensor data and historical data
  • Control IoT device from app
  • Email / push notification when device is offline
  • Custom webhooks

Blynk Evaluation

Advantages Disadvantages
Highly customizable Free version has limitations
Easier to integrate than other mobile dashboards (e.g. Losant) Dashboard is limited (compared to Initial State)
Easy to design mobile app without coding Requires modifying loop() logic

Quick Blynk Definitions

  • Template: store configuration settings for your project; need to create a new template for each project
  • Device: represents your argon
  • Datastream: channels that send data between the device and Blynk; each variable you send needs separate datastream
  • Virtual Pins

Virtual Pins

  • Use virtual pins to send and receive data from Argon
  • These are not real hardware pins, but just a concept used by Blynk
  • Virtual pins support ints and Strings (unlike hardware pins)
  • 32-128 pins are supported (label V0, V1, etc.)
  • Note: You can not use const int to define virtual pins. If you want to define pin label, use #define VPIN_LED V2 syntax

Blynk Integation

Three Phases to Integrate Blynk

There are three places we need to configure to use Blynk

  1. Blynk Cloud website ( This is where we configure the data that will be sent
  2. Workbench This is where we write the Argon could to send data
  3. Blynk mobile app This is where we will design the interface

Integration Phase 1: Blynk Cloud

Blynk Cloud website (

  • Create template (new template for every new project)
  • Create datastreams (one for each piece of data to be sent to cloud)
  • Create device (this represents your Argon)
  • Copy config info / key into Workbench Sketch

Integration Phase 1: Create template



Integration Phase 1: Create datastreams



Click Save

Integration Phase 1: Create new device




Integration Phase 1: Configuration Info / Key

Copy this info to include in sketch below (Note: this is just an example–use the unique values for your template) image-20210905215009623

Integration Phase 2: Workbench

  • Create new sketch
  • Install blynk library
  • Modify sketch with Blynk configuration
  • Add your unique custom info / keys from Blynk Cloud

Integration Phase 2: Modify sketch with Blynk configuration

  1. Copy the lines from the template to the top of your sketch:
  1. Also add these lines beneath the template lines:
#include <blynk.h>
  1. Add these line to the end of setup()
  1. Add this line to the top of loop();

After integration, your code should look something like the following

#include "Particle.h"
SerialLogHandler logHandler(LOG_LEVEL_WARN);


#include <blynk.h>

void setup() {

void loop() {;

Integration Phase 3: Blynk App

  • Install Blynk app on your phone
  • Build interface in Blynk app

Building Blynk Projects

Important notes about loop()

  • Do not use delay() in loop() or it will interfere with cloud connection

  • Instead, use a millis() or a timer to send data to app (limit to 10 values per second)

App: Send data from Blynk App to Argon

width:500pxblynk lecture_blynk_cloud.assets/blynk_2.png) width:400px

Syntax: Send data from Blynk App to Argon

  • To send data FROM app TO argon, create a BLYNK_WRITE(vPin) function
  • This event handler will be called automatically when the app changes

Example: Send data from Blynk App to Argon

  //assign incoming value from pin V0 to a variable
  int pinValue = param.asInt(); //or param.asStr() or .asDouble()
  Serial.println("V0 Slider value is: " + String(pinValue));

Syntax: Send data from Argon to Blynk App

  • To send data from Argon to Blynk App, use
Blynk.virtualWrite(<<PIN>>, <<VALUE>>);

Example: Send data from Argon to Blynk App

unsigned long blynkDelay = 10000; //change this as needed

void loop() {
  unsigned long curMillis = millis();
  if (curMillis - prevMillis > blynkDelay) {
    double tempF = ...; //read a sensor
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, tempFermF);
    prevMillis = curMillis;

App: Send data from Argon to Blynk App


Wiring for Exercise and Lab


  • Connect RGB led and magnetic switch
  • Install Blynk app on your phone
  • Create Blynk template
  • Create Blynk datastream

    Datastream Name Virtual Pin
    Button Show Light V5
    Random Number V6
    Door State V3
  • Build Blynk with the following features

    1. Use a display to show if magnetic switch is open or closed on pin V3 (argon –> app)
    2. Send random number (0-255) to app and display on pin V6 (argon –> app)
    3. Use virtual LED to show random number on pin V6 (argon –> app)
    4. Use a gauge to show random number on pin V6 (argon –> app)
    5. Use button to control turn the RGB led to white via pin V5 (app –> argon)

Exercise App Layout



  • Work in teams and create the following functionality in Blynk app

  • Create a new template and device in Blynk Cloud

    Datastream Virtual Pin
    RGB Red V0
    RGB Green V1
    RGB Blue V2
    Button Display Random Color V4
    Displayed Color String V7
    1. Use three sliders to control RGB LED on pins V0 V1 V2 (app –> argon)
    2. Use a button on V4 to trigger the RGB LED to display a color randomly chosen from white, yellow, magenta, or red (app –> argon)
    3. When one of the four random colors is displayed on the RGB LED, send a string representing that color to the app on pin V7 (argon –> app)
  • What happens if you put Blynk.syncAll(); at the end of setup()?

Lab App Layout

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