
Measuring Light with Photoresistors

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Learning Objectives

  • Describe what a photoresistor measures and what it is used for
  • Understand voltage divider concept behind photoresistor operation
  • Implement a device using photoresistor
  • Calibrate photoresistor with appropriate values in firmware


  • Measures light levels
  • Contains a photosensitive variable resistor
  • Changes in light level causes a change in resistance
  • Also called photocells or photodetectors

Notes about Photoresistors

Useful for Not Useful for
Detect relative change in light level Detecting absolute light level
Knowing when to brighten / darken a display screen screen (e.g. phone) Comparing light level across different devices and sensors

Wiring a Photoresistor


  • Consider wiring a photo resistor to 3.3v and ground
  • Measure voltage
  • The resistance will vary with light, but what is the problem?

What happens in bright light?

  • Bright light –> resistance decreases
  • Analog input reads 3.3v

What happens in darkness?

  • Darkness –> resistance increases
  • Analog input still reads 3.3v
  • ?

Why is this happening?


Review: Potentiometers


  • A potentiometer is also a variable resistor (like a photoresistor).
  • When the potentiometer’s resistance varied, we were able to “see” (read) a voltage change (unlike with the photoresistor)
  • Why was that?
  • Could we use a similar approach?


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  • Potentiometers have 3 pins: 3.3v, GND, and a wiper can move across a fixed resistor
  • Vout represents the voltage at wiper
  • As the knob moves the wiper across the resistor, the ratio of resistance between Vin-and-Vout and Vout-and-Gnd varies


  • As those resistances changes, so does the voltage difference between Vin-and-Vout and Vout-and-Gnd
  • This is known as a voltage divider bg right:50% fit
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Photoresistor solution


Photoresistor solution

  • Use a fixed resistor (usually 4.7k*) in series with photoresistor
  • Connect one end of photoresistor to 3.3v, and the end to the resistor
  • Connect the other end of the resistor to ground
  • Use the Argon to measure the voltage in the middle

* 4.7k is not a magic value. It a reasonably good value for normal lighting conditions



Lab (with breakout groups)

  • Read and display the value from between the photoresistor and resistor.
  • Measure it based on different lighting conditions: normal room light, covering the sensor with your hand, shining
  • Part 1:
    • Display on the serial monitor if you room light dark, light, or ambient
    • Display a different LED color based on the light states
    • Hint: how will you determine what type of light is present?
  • Part 2:
    • Set the LED to specific color
    • Use the values from the photoresistor to control the brightness of the LED. For example, use PWM to brighten / darken the light based on the photoresistor values. You will need to convert / scale the photoresistor values to the PWM values

